WordPress cheatsheets

WordPress cheatsheets summarized

Some time ago, when I searched on WordPress’ codex the syntax of some template tag, I realized that for such purposes are there often cheatsheets. Lists of frequently wanted information, you know, just forever helping cheatsheets. In case of WordPress theme developer the cheatsheet should contain before all the list of template tags, the syntax (parameter names) of the most used ones, perhaps lucidly expressed template hierarchy. And another things I can’t remember right now.

I didn’t to start projecting new WordPress template cheatsheet immediately, what was the first idea (and I should be ashamed of that!), but at first I decided to collect all the work of people with the same idea. Definitely from this work will arise my own cheatsheet one day, but today I’m going to share my collected sources of inspiration, while the design process is going to happen inside my head, for now.

You could ask why I want to make my own cheatsheet, when I have so many some options to choose. Before all and except all subjective reasons – no one cheatsheet I have found filled my expectations. No one contains post- or comment- class variables, or many (both) are in a form I do not find ideal and… I haven’t see one cheatsheet, that would be made in the wanted format of HTML. So… look forward & stay tuned! ;)

WordPress cheatsheets

Hugyecz Görgy (Harder)
20+ éve munkám és hobbim is az online világhoz köt. Az utóbbi 10+ évben leginkább keresőopimalizálás (SEO) témában tevékenykedem, mellette pedig Google Ads és Facebook PPC fronton is segítem ügyfeleimet. Korábban 10+ évig webgrafika, sitebuild, weboldal készítés témakörben mozogtam.


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